Sunday 3 September 2017

Why I've Been Gone (Again... Oops?)

Where have I been I can maybe hear you asking, or maybe not, I'm not so good at this posting regularly thing these days. That said, for those who may be interested in my ever present list of excuses, let me get you up to speed, because there's been some pretty big developments.

To kick things off, I changed jobs (long overdue). I'd been working on a team full of amazing people doing a job I absolutely despised and it was crushing my happiness and my creativity in one fail swoop. I'm still office based but I have a lot more room for free thinking and there's a lot more room for progression with the new company and I've been feeling much better for it. All in all it's been a really worth while switch and if there's any job-haters out there I can't stress to you enough how much a change in the employment arena can be a game changer for your happiness.

I also moved out of my parents house. My partner and I made the decision to move in together, fell in love with the first place we viewed and were handed a set of keys two weeks later, so naturally there was some supermarket-sweep-esque home-ware shopping during the settling in process. Since then I've been making slow progress acclimatising to maintaining a home (all you working women with 3 kids, a blossoming social life and immaculate homes, I salute you), and I'm finally in a place where I can start to try to make time for blogging again.

Of course, now I have my own(ish) home I'm excited to share a little more of my world with you guys and I'm (hopefully) going to be able to start posting again (semi)-regularly.

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