Thursday 3 November 2016

Thoughts on Schedules and Feeling Uninspired

As some of you may have noticed, I've been more than a little MIA recently, and it's not the first time this year that I've taken a break from blogging. I hate having to step away from the keyboard for any length of time but as any regular readers will also know: blogging is a hobby for me, not a job. I work full time and blogging has been an outlet for creativity for me and, lately, the creativity pool has been drying up.

When I first started getting regular readers on the blog it filled me with excitement and I knew that to keep people reading I had to create content regularly. So I made schedules and spent hours every week perfecting photographs and trying to come up with post ideas, spending small fortunes on product for posts to fill my 3-posts-a-week quota.

The truth is, that method was never going to be sustainable, and my content was suffering.

As I write this post I really want to pick up blogging again, but I know I can't go back to 2-3 posts a week. So this post is essentially my call to my readers: I'm back, I'm blogging again but there's no schedules this time. I will post as and when I have things I'm excited to talk to you about and I'll be tackling blogging from a quality over quantity perspective from now on.

I hope you understand why I'm making this decision and I hope you'll stick with me.

In the mean time, if there's anything you'd like to hear about please let me know :)

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