Tuesday 31 March 2015

A Treat for Tired Muscles? Mio Workout Wonder VS Neal's Yard Arnica Salve

I've been eluding to a serious workout routine on this blog for a while now, and I figured I should probably just out myself. The intense fitness class I've been doing for the last 8 weeks is Pole Fitness. My friend and I signed up when we found a Groupon offer and thought for £18, the 6 1-hour-long sessions would be at least a laugh if nothing more.

After I got home from week 1 having fully enjoyed myself I was glad I did it, but within days my muscles were aching and I found even the smallest of movements painful and so invested in some muscle relief products, the two that I've tried being the Mio Workout Wonder and Neal's Yard Arnica Salve. I like both though I think they're good for different things and cater to different needs.

Firstly the Mio offering. This was the first muscle relief gel I'd tried and it really did the job. It was instantly cooling on my muscles as I worked it in and after the slightly uncomfortable tingling it left behind my muscles were completely ache free. It comes in a pump aplicato so you don't have to stick your fingers in pots which is nice and the smell is refreshingly minty. This is definitely an intense product and it really does leave a cold, tingly sensation behind for a good 10 minutes on application but if you're finding yourself struggling to move after a day at the gym this would be a good one for you.

The Neal's Yard product is less well-suited to what I want in a product like this, but for a typical program would probably work fine. It's designed to be used both before and after a workout however for Pole Fitness you can't use any form of moisturising product on your skin for 24 hours before a class due to it making you slip to easily and thus makes if difficult to hold poses. With this in mind I was only using the Arnica Salve after classes, and for a few days after my classes, it's a much more gentle formulation and so you can use it underneath your moisturiser every day if you want. With it being Neal's Yard it is 99% organic and doesn't contain any chemicals so if that's what you look for in products this might be a good one for you.

All in all I prefer the Mio Workout Wonder, the minty smell and the cooling sensation are just preferable to me personally but I still use and like the Arnica Salve.

Friday 27 March 2015

Cailyn Dizzolv'It Makeup Melt Cleansing Balm Review

I've been trialling a lot of new skincare lately (thanks to my recently discovered obsession with beauty-box subscriptions I'm finding myself with an awful lot of products to sample, see Wednesday's post for more info), and the most recent product I've been working my way through is the Cailyn Cosmetics Dizzolv'It Makeup Melt Cleansing Balm.

From the ingredients list I don't see anything that screams "nasty" to me and the formula is nice, a very greasy balm that, as the name recommends, I use as a first cleanse in the evening to remove make-up before I go onto a second "skin" cleanse. I personally would only use this as a makeup remover as the texture is greasy and oily and perfect to remove make-up, but there are balms out there with a nicer texture like the (say it with me now) Oskia Renaissance Cleansing Gel which I prefer to use as my morning or second cleanse.

As part f my testing I used it for 3 consecutive nights to remove make-up before going into a typical skincare routine and although it removes makeup well, I do find it slightly more drying on the skin than my usual makeup remover (Superfacialist by Una Brennan Vitamin C Brightening Cleasning Oil) and so, at almost 3 times the price for the full size, I don't see myself repurchasing this item over the Una Brennan. That said I will continue to use the product while I have it.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

My First Birchbox - A Beauty Box Subscription Comparison

So after my first beauty box subscription post "My First Beauty Subscription Box - A Look inside my loveMeBeauty Box", I figured it would only be polite to try out some other boxes and compare the services. So I picked up this month's Birchbox and while I'll admit I haven't tried most of the products and so can't offer much of a review on them as of yet (watch this space - reviews will be coming!) I'm just going o be reviewing the actual service.

So as far as ordering Birchbox, the process seems easier than LoveMeBeauty, you just signup with your email, password and fill in your "Beauty Profile" (which asks about your product preferences, skin tone, condition of your hair, etc). Whereas with LoveMeBeauty you have to fill in a profile every month and actually pick your products. Birchbox is more expensive monthly than LoveMeBeauty however the average price of the products you receive seems to be higher so it balances out there, and the element of surprise is quite nice with Birchbox as they just send products they think you'd like based on how you fill out your Beauty Profile.

I think it's relevant to mention the products I received from Birchbox to show the value. in the March box I received 1 product I requested Benefit RollerLash Mascara, Birchbox seem to offer you a choice of 3 products from one brand each month (last month was a choice of 3 benefit mascaras, this month it seems to be a choice of 3 Laura Mercier products). I also received a Lord & Berry Bronzer in the shade "Sienna" which looks quite orange on the swatch despite me filling in the Beauty Profile as having a "porcelain" skin tone. Other than the bronzer I seem to have received all products I'm a least interested in: The Serenity Skincare Dead Sea Bath Salt which is supposed to be good for stress and muscle pains (hell yes, give me all the relief from muscle pains), the well-hyped Philip Kingsley Elasticizer and the Catherine Malandrino Eau De Parfum which, although I definitely don't need anymore perfumes, I may have to pick up a full bottle of. It smells, divine.

As far s the delivery goes, Birchbox deliver your box at pretty much the same time each month where LoveMeBeauty will debit your account and then wait for you to pick your products. So, again, Birchbox win with the element of surprise. The boxes they send are smaller and so the products inside are generally smaller too. I find than with LoveMeBeauty you get more full sized and deluxe sample sizes whereas Birchbox will send mainly regular sample sizes with the odd deluxe sample.

While I like that Birchbox's surprise element makes it feel nicer to receive, I think for the money, LoveMeBeauty is better value, as you pick the products yourself and generally get products you like and you get more product for you money. That being said, if what you want out of a beauty subscription box is to trail lots of little samples of higher-end products and you like a lot of different types of products, Birchbox may be more suited to what you want.

Monday 23 March 2015

Exfoliation For Face

So part 2 is finally here! This time it's all about the face. Again I've got 3 types of formulas to show you, so let's get cracking.

The Manual Exfoliator

So this is the formula I'm least likely to use of the 3. The manual exfolitor is the most abrasive option for the face and I'd only use a manual exfoliator once a week. That being said, they're good for deep exfolation if you have very dry skin and are a good option for people who can't/don't want to use acid-based facial exfoliators. One manual exfoliator formula that I love is the Clarins Gentle Refiner Exfoliating Cream with Microbeads. The smell is pleasant and the scrubby particles aren't too abrasive but still leave your skin feeling properly exfoliated.

The Acid Toner

So the only type of exfoliator I'd use daily (twice daily if needed) is the acid toner. These are liquid toners that are made up using acids that gently exfoliate the skin. Usually these toners will be made up of fruit acids or glycolic but a range of acids are used in different formulas. My favourite is another Clarins option, their Gentle Exfoliator Brightening Toner. I like this formula because, like the Soap & Glory sugar scrub from last week's post, the formula contains glycerin so it's hydrating as well as exfoliating.

The Radiance-Boosting Mask

So I have 2 options for this one, depending on your taste. The radiance mask is essentially a combination of the above, an acid-based formula that can be used as little as once a week to work. If you want a quick hit of both manual and acid exfoliation, the REN Flash Rinse 1 Minute Facial is your mask. You put it onto dry skin and it feels slightly grainy on the skin, then add water and it smoothes out, leave for a minute and rinse. So easy. My other favourite is Oskia's Renaissance Mask which is good for when I want the exfoliating mask without the manual exfoliation element. I use them interchangeably depending on how my skin is and what my time constraint are.

Sunday 22 March 2015

Anthony Glycolic Facial Cleanser

So if anyone remembers my "The Mother of All Goodie Bags" post a while back, you might have seen this cleanser before as it's hiding within the main picture for that post. Now I've done some research and it turns out that Anthony is actually a men's skincare brand, but I figure a cleanser if a pretty gender-neutral product and so I gave it a go (as I do believe that even attempting to get my other half to test out products for me would be a lost cause).

I love a good cleanser, and I like glycolic acid in products for light exfoliation so this seemed right up my street and it seems pretty reasonable for the price. I wouldn't recommend it for every-day use (during my 3 consecutive day testing period I found my oily skin starting to feel a tad dry), but for once or twice a week, which is how often I would generally use a glycolic cleanser, it's great. It comes out as a gel texture and will foam slightly with water, however I use it as I'd use any cleanser (apply to a dry face, work in, remove with a hot, damp flannel).

So while it proves a little hard-core for my feminine skin I'm unsure as to whether male skin is thicker, so if you'd like me to try to convince the boyfriend to give it a go let me know and I'll pester.

Also - Sorry this post is a tad late, works been crazy this week.

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Bodycare 1-0-1 - Exfoliation

So this is another 2-part-post. Today we have exfoliation for body and then next week I'll be putting up exfoliation for face. Now for body, there are 3 categories of exfoliators I incorporate into my routine on a regular basis which I talk you through now: The basic scrub, the sugar scrub and the coffee scrub.

The Basic Scrub

So first and foremost, my most-used formula is the basic scrub, and my favourite product from this category is the Soap & Glory Pulp Friction Foamy Fruity Body Scrub. The formula is quite thick so it sticks to your skin in the shower unlike lots of other formulas. The basic scrub exfoliates using gritty sandy-feeling particles, suspended in a shower gel/cream formula. These types of scrubs are the most abrasive and I would only recommend using these 1-2 times a week.

The Sugar Scrub

Much like the little pots you can get for your lips, the sugar scrub uses sugar granules as the main exfoliating element to them. Another shout-out to Soap & Glory for my favourite from this category with the Sugar Crush Body Scrub. Firstly, it smells amazing but the main reason I like this is that the sugar and other exfoliating elements are all suspended in a glycerin-based formula, meaning that you get a ht of hydration along with your exfoliation. Sugar scrubs are less abrasive on the skin as the sugar starts to dissolve when it gets wet so they're a good option for people who want to exfoliate every time they shower rather than 1-2 times a week.

The Coffee Scrub

So this is a very new-to-me formula, but recently I tried the Mr Bean Coffee Bean Scrub and it was very... Interesting. The most gentle of all 3 formula's, I think this scrub would be best for a sensitive skin type or for someone who only wants some subtle exfoliation. The one I got contains coconut oil so, again, it's really moisturising on the skin and it's a generally nice scrub. But I have 2 main issues. Firstly, the smell. It smells strongly of coffee, unsurprisingly, but the scent really lingers. I washed it off with a scented body wash and then layered up with scented moisturiser and could still smell it slightly and I'm not a massive fan. Secondly, while most scrubs leave a bit of mess in the bath, this left the worst mess of all the scrubs I've ever used. I think because the product is black maybe it just looks worse than other formulas? Either way, after my nice relaxing bath I found myself having to do a thorough clean of the bath.

Monday 16 March 2015

My Manic Monday-Morning Make-up Routine

Being a creature of habit, my weeks follow a very similar structure and Monday has recently become my gym day. Straight from work every Monday I hit the gym, do my 2 classes and get my self home for some well deserved dinner. Working in an office environment means I can't just rock up to work in my sweats with my greasy hair up in a pineapple-like fashion, so I've come up with this routine which means I can get away with long-overdue-a-wash hair and gym-bag combo.

So firstly, that hair needs to go. I slick it up into a high bun, secure with hair pins and load it up with hairspray, and while I hold no loyalty to a particular one I'm currently using the Professional Touch Salon Hairspray High Shine Extra Hold Curl Control (what a mouthful!). It holds buns and curls a like without that crispy feeling and smells pleasant, if a bit strong.

I'll then get to work on make-up, with it being a Monday morning I've more than likely woken up slightly later than planned so a quick work-appropriate look for me consists of this: Illamasqua Skin Base Foundation in shade "3", it's a nice coverage that blends best with fingers and matches my skin perfectly. I then go in with the Urban Decay Nake Skin Concealer in "Fair Neutral" where I need it. A light dusting of Soap & Glory's One Heck of a Blot Powder to set my base and a bit of the Benefit Sugar Bomb Box O' Powder on the cheeks for a slightly rosy flush.

With base done I tight-line with Lord & Berry's Polish Eye Pencil in "5071 Mirror Black" and line my lower water line with Rimmel's Skandaleyes Waterproof Khol Kajal in "Nude". I then wiggle some MaxFactor 2000 Calorie Curved Brush Volume and Curl mascara through my lashes and tame unruly brows with Maybelline's Brow Satin in "Medium Brown".

All quite simple, standard stuff, right? Then to top it all off and make it look like I've put some effort in, I've been gravitating to a bold lip. Now I love my reds and I'll always go back to them but lately I've found a bold pink to be my go-to lip colour. It just seems more statement than a red. The one I've been picking up a lot is the Nars Satin Lip Pencil in "Yu" and it is b-e-autiful. I've just been finding that a bold lip is the best way to distract from a bad hair day and livens up an otherwise lack-luster make-up. And the best bit, just remove the bold lip with a make-up wipe and you're ready for the gym. Genius.

Friday 13 March 2015

Bumble and Bumble Hairdresser's Invisable Oil Range - The Review

So being a self-confessed non-hair-enthusiast, I rarely find myself being excited about hair products. That being said, sinc emy recent success with the Colorwow One-Minute Transormation Styling Cream (which I'm still using and loving) I've been picking up a few bits that I wouldn't normally gravitate to and one of them is this: The Bumble And Bumble Hairdresser's Invisible Oil Travel Set.

I originally picked it up because I was interested in trying the Heat/UV Protective Primer and the travel set was a mere £2 more than the travel-sized primer was on it's own. It seemed like something I'd love. As I'm often saying, I'm pretty lazy with hair, and this is marketed as a kind of "does it all" type product. I do like it, but I don't think I love it. It smells nice, feels nice in the hair and feels like it is offering some protection in the way of heat styling. However, as I have oily hair I feel like the oil content is just a little bit much in my hair, so I tend to spray it just in the ends and brush it into the hair to avoid a grease-ball effect.

Another product in the set I thought I'd love was the conditioner, I love a good deep conditioning product on the ends of my colour-damaged hair as it allows me to just put the moisture where I feel like I need it. This product just isn't that deep conditioning product I thought it would be and I feel like after using this, I definitely need to go in with something like the Oribe Supershine Moisturing Cream. It's just a bit light for something that claims to have an invisible oil base.

The star of the show is a surprising one. I thought I'd hate the shampoo. As I've mentioned I have oily hair and the last thing I ever want to do is layer up my roots with oil as it makes my hair heavy, flat and oily. this just goes to show that you never really know if you'll like something until you try it as out of all the products in the set, this is the only one I'm seriously considering purchasing a full size of. It's moisturing but light and the sulfate-free formula makes it great for colour treated hair. Love.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

The Back-To-Basics Evening Skincare Routine

As promised, my blemish-busting-basics part 2 post is here, and this time, it's all about the PM.

If I'm wearing make-up, step one is to remove it, and I'm sure that no-one who has read this blog before will be surprised that I reach for the Superfacialist by Una Brennan Vitamin C+ Brighten Skin Renew Cleasning Oil (try saying that quickly!) to do this. It's great. I apply a small amount onto my dry face with clean hands to remove face make-up and even work it into my eye lashes to remove mascara and it's not even slightly irritating.

Make-up gone I move on to a second cleanse and, again, something I've raved about before on here is the Oskia Renaissance Cleansing Gel. A pink gel that goes on like an oil that leaves your skin just feeling good. Smells divine, just an all round winner for me. Rave over.

Again I'm skipping the exfoliating toner step but I still like to go in with a hydrating mist but for the PM I reach for the Jurlique Rosewater Balancing Mist. Much like my Caudalie morning option, this is a fine spritz that applies evenly to the skin from the bottle but this time the scent is more of my typical floral. I dare say it's my favourite hydrating mist out of all the ones I've currently tried.

Another Yes-To eye cream but for evenings I prefer the Yes To Carrots Moisturising Eye Cream, for me a PM eye-cream has to layer on the moisture and this one does just that, a simple basic eye cream but it's a goodie.

A final no-nonsense good product is my final step of this parred-down evening routine: the First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream. You can use this for loads of things, dry elbows? This. Flakey hands? This. Parched under-eyes? This. It's almost magical. It's a light formula that absorbs quickly but again has that absolute moisturising quality to it. Heavier than the Kiehl's option but a good substitute for evenings.

If my skin is super dry in a panic-phase I'd use the MV Organics Rose Plus Booster oil under/instead of my moisturiser, I have others that I like but this is the one I really trust to save my skin.

Monday 9 March 2015

The Back-To-Basics Morning Skincare Routine

So last week I woke up with every skincare lovers worst nightmare: a massive, painful, under-the-skin spot on my forehead. It was obvious to see and painful to touch, and the sight of it drove me to look around my stash accusingly. In reaction to this, I've dropped my skincare routine down to the bare bones, the products that I love and that just work for me. For mornings, it's looking a lot like this:

When I went traveling for a month last year I took 1 cleanser with me and didn't suffer a single breakout on the whole trip. So while my skin is misbehaving I cracked out that old gem: the Clean and Clear Deep Action Oil-Free Cream Wash. It's a creamy cleanser that has a slightly minty tingle to it. You can either splash it off with water or remove with a warm, damp flannel (my preferred method, unless I'm cleansing somewhere other than my own home).

Normally step two is an acid toner for mild exfoliation, however I think this set of break-outs may have been a result of over exfoliating (using flannels to remove a glycolic-based cleanser and then going in with an exfoliating mask? Oops). So I'm skipping acids and exfoliators for a few days while my skin calms down.

Now I need to apologise to a product here, because when I first tried the Caudalie Beauty Elixir, I really didn't get the hype. It was minty and fresh and unlike other hydrating mists I'd used that were more floral or spa-like in scent. Now I've gotten to know it a little better I think it's great, but I would only use it for an AM spritz. The minty scent is lovely for waking your skin up in the morning and the bottle produces a nice fine mist that allows for an even layer of moisture.

I then go in with a cooling eye-cream, I'm currently using the Yes To Cucumbers Soothing Eye Gel. It's an okay, basic morning eye cream but I wouldn't quite call it holy grail, I'm definitely in the market for a better one. But my skin doesn't react to this so it can stay for now. I just find that my eyes are a bit puffy in the morning unless I use something soothing or cooling around the area.

And finally, I top it off with a light moisturiser, and the one I can trust is the Kiehl's Ultra Facial Moisturiser. I'm still working my way through the mini I got from Space NK in my "The Mother of all Goodie Bags" post, but I'm itching to get a full-size as I can't imagine a week without it. Not overly fragrant or greasy on the skin, but adds in all the moisture my Oily/Dehydrated skin needs.

I have an evening companion post to this going up on Wednesday - check back for more info!

Friday 6 March 2015

Good Sleep in a Jar - The Neal's Yard Lavender Bath Salts

I recently discovered that Manchester town centre has it's own Neal's Yard shop, so being the curious thing that I always have been, I nipped in on my way home from work one night to see what was going on in there. Being a Neal's Yard Newbie, I went for a few products that I'd heard about in the blogger-sphere, the Lavender Bath Salts being one of them.

Firstly, they come in a really hefty, satisfyingly heavy, blue glass jar that just looks lovely in your bathroom. When you open the 200g jar it's filled to the brim and the smell hits you immediately. Being lavender based, they really calming in your bath and with it being Neal's Yard none of the ingredients are too chemically. The lavender scent comes from organically produced lavandula angustifolia (lavender) oil and the only ingredients that look even vaguely like "nasties" to me would be limonene and linalool, but these are the very last two ingredients on the list.

You only need a small amount from the jar (I'd recommend scooping the salts out with your hand and then sprinkling them into your bath) to get the desired effect and they dissolve quickly and don't leave a grainy feeling at the bottom of your bath. At £10.50 for a 200g jar these are a slightly more affordable option for those like myself who are new to bath salts and wanted to try a relatively inexpensive kind before investing in something like the Therapie Himalayan Detox Salts (which are definitely on the list of products I'd love to try).

After this purchase I'm excited to try out more from the Neal's Yard range, and currently have my eye on the Arnica Salve and their Wild Rose Beauty Balm. I'll report back on those at a later date.

Wednesday 4 March 2015

My First Beauty Subscription Box - A Look inside my Lovemebeauty Box

So this lovely box of loveliness was dropped on my doorstep last week a LoveMeBeauty box. LoveMeBeauty is a beauty subscription box service where you pay a monthly fee for a box, however this one is slightly different as you know what you are receiving in your box. When you pay for your box you get credits that you then spend on items for your box, you get 6 credits a month and products range from 1-3 points each from what I can see, you than then pay an additional fee to have extra items in your box. The delivery was quick and the items were packaged nicely, firstly inside the box pictured above and then in a drawstring bag (pictured below). I can't compare the service to other beauty box subscriptions yet but I intend to check out a few more and see how they are.

While we're here, I guess I should have a quick run though of the products I picked for my box. I'd been interested in trying something from Malin+Goetz for a while so when I saw the full sized Malin+Goetz Mojito Lip Balm for 2 points I quickly popped it into my box. It's tastes lovely and the formula is quite nice, the packaging isn't my favourite as, despite it being a tube, you have to squeeze it onto your finger and then apply it and then I feel like I need to wash my hands, so it wouldnt be my first choice for on-the-go, but I keep it by my bathroom sink and use it when I do my skincare routine.

Another 2-point item I picked out was the Lord & Berry Eyeliner which, again, seems to be a full size. While it's not quite as good as my Urban Decay Perversion Liner for tight-lining, it's really nice for a smudgey eyeliner look and sets in place after a short amount of smudge time. All in all, I think this was my favourite item in the box.

Then for a point each, I picked up 2 sample-sizes from Melvita, the Pulpe De Rose and their Damask Rose Floral Water. I thought I'd be a fan of these, I love rose-scented products, I love hydrating mists, I love plumping creams, so these 2 should have been winners. While I don't think they're bad they definitely aren't amazing and I can't see myself repurchasing either. The cream is the better of the two as it is nice to use, smells nice, seems to give a more plumped look to the skin, but the floral water? No thanks. The mister on the bottle seems to spit the product onto your face rather than mist it on, meaning I've been going for a spray-onto-cotton-wool-and-wipe-onto-face approach which isn't my favourite. On top of that, the smell made me feel a little ill, it's not the rose-y, luxurious smell you would expect from a rosewater toner and I was just generally disappointed with it.

So there we have it, 1 love, 2 likes, 1 leave.

If you have any recommendations for beauty boxes then give me a shout, I've become very intrigued about this whole beauty-box subscription service thing.

Monday 2 March 2015

An Introduction To Omorovicza (The 6 Piece Introductory Kit)

So in the beauty-blogging world, people seem to be going crazy for two products in particular: The Omorovicza Queen of Hunary Mist and their Thermal Cleansing Balm so when I saw that the 6 Piece Introductory Kit contained minis of both, I snapped it up pretty quickly.

This kit is currently available on Cult Beauty, where it seems to be an exclusive, and comes packaged up in a nice, decent-sized case that could easily be used for travel (either for skincare or for make-up). The white edges and the simple branding make it a sleek option and the clear front and double zip feature makes it user-friendly and practical. Another over-all comment is the smell. The majority of these products have that spa-like amazing scent to them (and we all know how much I love my nicely-scented products now don't we?). Even the lesser products feel slightly luxury because the scent is so... Expensive? I can't place the notes, but it's lovely.

So in the set you seem to get the bulk of an AM and PM routine packaged up into a nice, compact travel case. For AM I'd kick things off with the Cleansing Foam, spray hydrate with the Queen of Hungary Mist and finish with the Illuminating Moisturiser, and for PM I'd go for the Thermal Cleansing Balm, the Queen of Hungary Mist and then the Instant Plumping Cream. You also get a mask option in the kit (the Deep Cleansing Mask) which I'd recommend using in the evening, once or twice a week. If you were going to use the kit as the basis for your skincare routine, I'd simply add in a serum step for both AM and PM, and an exfoliating toner in the evening.

So overall, it's a nice set, I wouldn't say it contains any flat out bad products, although I definitely have some favourites and feel like a couple others were just a bit meh. While they're nice to use, I feel like the full size of the Cleansing Foam and the Instant Plumping Cream are expensive for what you get with the cleanser coming in at £44 for 150ml and the night cream an eye-watering £105 for a 50ml jar. If you want a foaming cleanser that wont strip your skin let me suggest the First Aid Beauty Face Cleanser for less than a third of the price of the Omorovicza, and for a night cream, I'm currently using the Origins Night-a-mins for a more purse friendly find. Additionally, the Thermal Cleansing Balm wasn't for me. It's similar to the Emma Hardie Amazing Face Moringa Cleasning Balm in consistency (in fact it may even be a bit smoother in texture), but the price is quite steep and the smell isn't as refreshing. My Oskia Renaissance Cleansing Gel is doing over-time right now and at almost half the price of the Omorovicza, I know where my money's going next time.

The Illuminating Moisturiser is a nice-but-pricey one that I'm using for a treat and may add to the list of "treat purchases". It's light but moisturising and I really enjoy using it, but at £85 for 50ml, it's far from my daily pick. I'm generally very non-commital with my day creams and have yet to find one that's as nice as this but I'm struggling to justify the investment. Another love-the-product hate-the-price one is the Queen of Hungary Mist, again I love it and again it's a budget buster. I've been using it on pamper nights and days that have been edging on awful as a pick-me up. Since I first tried this I'd been looking for a more budget friendly alternative and the Jurlique Rosewater Balancing Mist is a goodie, but isn't quite as nice on the skin.

My final mention goes to the Deep Cleansing Mask, again pricey (£57 for 50ml) especially for a clay mask, but it's a really nice pick. It smoothes on to the skin and sets down evenly, unlike a lot of other clay masks I've used that seem to set in some places much quicker than others. Generally when it comes to masks, I don't mind investing a little more and while clay is one of the cheapest ingredients you can use in a mask I think this one might just be special. I'll report back and let you know if I repurchase.