Sunday 22 March 2015

Anthony Glycolic Facial Cleanser

So if anyone remembers my "The Mother of All Goodie Bags" post a while back, you might have seen this cleanser before as it's hiding within the main picture for that post. Now I've done some research and it turns out that Anthony is actually a men's skincare brand, but I figure a cleanser if a pretty gender-neutral product and so I gave it a go (as I do believe that even attempting to get my other half to test out products for me would be a lost cause).

I love a good cleanser, and I like glycolic acid in products for light exfoliation so this seemed right up my street and it seems pretty reasonable for the price. I wouldn't recommend it for every-day use (during my 3 consecutive day testing period I found my oily skin starting to feel a tad dry), but for once or twice a week, which is how often I would generally use a glycolic cleanser, it's great. It comes out as a gel texture and will foam slightly with water, however I use it as I'd use any cleanser (apply to a dry face, work in, remove with a hot, damp flannel).

So while it proves a little hard-core for my feminine skin I'm unsure as to whether male skin is thicker, so if you'd like me to try to convince the boyfriend to give it a go let me know and I'll pester.

Also - Sorry this post is a tad late, works been crazy this week.

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